Tuesday, February 6, 2007

News from reef town

I haven't posted in a while but have been busy. Lane has been really sick and I have not had much time on the tank. However there are some revisions to the LR set-up and some new fish. I have links on the side of my two new fish - Randall Goby and a Six-Line Wrasse. Both are really cool fish. The wrasse is very active and has great colors. I will try to get up a real picture of mine shortly. The goby looks amazing but is hidden a lot of the time. So when you catch a glimpse it is a double bonus :)

The Live Rock and aquascape have been modified slightly so I can add more in the future and build up higher. I have redesigned the caves a bit also. The fish seem pretty happy. I have done another water change and chemicals check. All the parameters are looking good. I am still not sure about my high alk. esp. since I am using R/O water exclusively but will keep an eye on it.

The other news is my anenome is still going strong. I am still not sure about my first two (although I suspect lack of lighting) but this one is really doing well. It is not a host for the clowns but is a cool addition.

Be sure to check out my photo page and check back here for some more updates and photos as well.

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