Sunday, March 4, 2007

New Gear

I have added two essentail items to the tank.

First, a CPR BAKPAK protien skimmer. This is a hang-on model good for tanks up to about 65 gallons. I have a maxi 900 pump feeding it right now. It has been taking out great skimmate from the moment I powered it up. More info can be found here.

The second item is a UV sterilizer. I have a 9 watt Coralife Turbortwist. I have it set-up as a hang on with a aquaclear 70 powerhead. This unit is good for controlling algae, microrganisms, and parasites in up to 125 gallons. I did a fair amount of research and reading and felt this was a great model to meet my needs. I am using this primarily as a water purifier and to keep ich off my tang. Tangs are very suceptible to ich and a UV is one way to assit in ridding the chances. More info on the unit here.

I have noticed some water quality improvement since adding these on the tank. I have also done a water change and some aquasaping (mostly to hide some of the new powerheads) I hope to get some pictures up soon.

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